
Webinar: Best practices in ball milling How to influence the grinding process for optimum results

Are you using ball mills for sample pulverization, high-energy grinding or mechanochemical applications? Do you handle temperature-sensitive materials, or would you like to substantially reduce process times?

If you are interested in learning best practices directly from the experts, then this webinar will give you the answers. Our application specialists will share their extensive knowledge on how to optimize your ball milling process to obtain the desired results.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • How to select suitable grinding tool material, ball amount and size
  • Dry, wet and cryogenic grinding
  • How to control the temperature during ball milling
  • Mechanical alloying and mechanosynthesis
  • Biological samples and cell disruption
  • Application examples
  • Introduction of new Mixer Mill MM 400 and Planetary Ball Mill PM 300
  • Launch of the RETSCH Scientific Challenge – win a brand-new ball mill

The second part of the webinar is a live session with online demonstrations from the RETSCH application laboratory.
Throughout the webinar, our experts are available to answer your questions.
All participants will receive an exclusive download package.

Prezentat de:

Dr. Tanja Butt, Product Manager, Retsch GmbH
Tanja Butt deține o diplomă de doctorat în Biotehnologie de la Centrul de Cercetare din Juelich, Germania. Înainte de a se alătura Retsch a lucrat câțiva ani în cercetare, dezvoltare și management de proiect.

Înregistrări webinare

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